

Also Here: Love, Literacy and the Legacy of the Holocaust is forthcoming from Tortoise Books in 2024. It was a finalist for the Autumn House Nonfiction Prize.


“Brooke Randel’s Year in Reading, 2021” - Eiger, Mönch & Jungfrau

“Climber’s Knot” - Gordon Square Review

“Grief, the Interior Decorator” - JMWW 🆕

“Heirloom from River Rouge, Michigan” - CHEAP POP, reprint in SugarSugarSalt Magazine

“The History of the Holocaust Survivor” - Split Lip Magazine (forthcoming)

“The Magic in the Mix: Letters on the Art of Reading and Editing a Literary Magazine” - Poets & Writers (print, online), co-written with Nadia Staikos

“Offers My Grandma Has Made Me” - Pithead Chapel

“On Writing My Grandma’s Story & Reading It Back to Her” - The Nasiona

“A Rejected Modern Love Essay: When the Boiler Breaks, There’s Always His Studio Apartment” - Medium

“Quitter” - Prairie Schooner blog

“The Search for My Grandma's Fourteenth Summer" - Hypertext Magazine

“Swimming with My Grandma” - Hippocampus Magazine, reprint and reflection in One Wild Ride 🆕

“Taking the Holocaust Survivor to the Holocaust Museum” - Medium

“Writing in a Zig Zag” - Write or Die Magazine (forthcoming)


“Adultboat” - Necessary Fiction 🆕

“Advanced Flexibility” in 50-word Stories

“Catastrophizing” - Tiny Molecules

“Concepts Like Brian” - SmokeLong Quarterly

“Concussion No. 5” - Stymie Magazine

“Formation of a Fissure Line” - (mac)ro(mic)

“Key of Silences” - TIMBER

“The Last Jew in the Climbing Gym” - The Centifictionist

“Mallory & The Hologram” - Jewish Fiction

“A Moment of Waste” - LandLocked Magazine

“Nice Story” - Tiny Molecules

“Our Ancestors Flew Spaceships” - Gigantic Sequins

“Perfect Stranger” - FlashFlood (Pushcart Prize-nominated) 🎊

“A Quick Rundown of the Family Before You Meet the Family” - Punchnel’s

“She Holds Me Like a Mirror” - Nurture: A Literary Journal (Best Microfiction-nominated) 🎊

“The Structure Underneath” - HAD

“There Are Two Ways” - Ropes

“Vision Problem” - Pidgeonholes

“Wall” - Two Cities Review (Pushcart Prize-nominated) 🎊

“When You Fall Through the Sidewalk Grate” - Fearsome Critters